In November 2011, Latoya Ammons, her mother Rosa Campbell, and their three children relocated to a rental property at 3860 Carolina Street in Gary, Indiana. The property appeared unremarkable from the exterior, a typical single-storey dwelling in a working-class neighbourhood. During December of the same year, an unusual phenomenon began to manifest in swarms of large black flies congregating on the screened porch, their presence anomalous given the season’s low temperatures.
Rosa Campbell noted the insects’ persistent return despite repeated attempts to eliminate them. Standard pest control methods proved ineffective, with the flies reappearing consistently after being killed. Local pest control experts would later examine photographs and documentation, unable to provide a conclusive scientific explanation for the flies’ behaviour. The incident represented the first documented unusual occurrence at the property, preceding a series of increasingly complex and unexplained events that would subsequently draw significant attention from medical, law enforcement, and paranormal investigation professionals.
Unexplained auditory experiences quickly followed the insect infestation. Late at night, Campbell and Ammons heard steady footsteps climbing the basement stairs, accompanied by the distinct, unnerving creak of the door connecting the basement to the kitchen. On one particularly chilling evening, Campbell awoke to witness a shadowy male figure pacing through the living room, subsequently discovering large, wet footprints that could not be rationally explained.
On 10 March 2012, during the early morning hours at approximately two o’clock, a profoundly unsettling event unfolded within the Ammons household. The family was already in a state of emotional vulnerability, having recently experienced a significant personal loss. The atmosphere was charged with grief and an underlying sense of unease.
Suddenly, Latoya Ammons’ piercing scream shattered the night’s silence, calling urgently for her mother, Rosa Campbell. Campbell immediately rushed to the bedroom, her heart racing with maternal concern. Upon entering, she was confronted with a scene that would defy all rational explanation.
Her 12-year-old granddaughter was suspended motionless in mid-air, hovering unconsciously above the bed. The girl’s body remained perfectly still, seemingly defying the fundamental laws of physics. Family members present in the room, already traumatised by recent events, watched in absolute terror.
Recognising the potential spiritual danger, the surrounding family members and a close friend began an impromptu prayer session. Their collective spiritual energy focused on dispelling whatever supernatural force might be controlling the situation. The intense, desperate prayers continued for several minutes. Gradually, the inexplicable levitation ceased. The young girl slowly descended back onto the bed, returning to a horizontal position as if nothing extraordinary had occurred. Upon regaining consciousness, she displayed no recollection of the event, her memory a complete blank regarding the supernatural occurrence.
Desperate for assistance, the family consulted multiple spiritual resources. Local churches initially refused involvement, while two unnamed clairvoyants claimed the house contained over 200 demonic entities. Ammons created a basement altar, placing candles and religious statues, burning sage and sulfur, and repeatedly reciting Psalm 91 as a protective measure.
Law enforcement officers and medical personnel documented multiple extraordinary occurrences that challenged rational explanation. The children started exhibiting profoundly disturbing behaviour including the seven-year-old son who would frequently sit alone in closets, engaged in conversation with an invisible companion. The children’s eyes would inexplicably bulge, accompanied by unsettling, malevolent facial expressions. During these episodes, their voices would dramatically deepen, speaking in tones inconsistent with their age and typical vocal capabilities.
Medical professionals at Northlake Hospital provided particularly compelling documentation. Staff reported witnessing children performing seemingly impossible physical feats. One child was reportedly lifted and hurled against walls without any physical contact. Another child was observed scaling walls horizontally, flipping over his grandmother with unnatural agility.
Gary Police Captain Charles Austin, a 36-year veteran initially sceptical of supernatural claims, became a pivotal investigator in the case. His professional perspective transformed dramatically after experiencing multiple unexplained phenomena. Austin reported discovering strange silhouettes in photographs from his iPhone, encountered malfunctioning radio equipment, and experienced his personal vehicle’s driver’s seat moving autonomously.
During one investigation, an officer’s audio recorder malfunctioned inexplicably. The power light indicated dying batteries, despite fresh batteries being recently installed. This technological anomaly added another layer of complexity to the investigation.
Reverend Michael Maginot, a local Catholic priest, became deeply involved in the case. During his initial investigation, he noted peculiar responses during spiritual interventions. When praising God in Latin, the children showed no reaction. However, when condemning demonic entities, the children would react dramatically.
Maginot conducted a comprehensive four-hour interview with the family, during which he observed multiple unexplained phenomena. A bathroom light flickered intermittently, stopping each time he approached to investigate. Venetian blinds in the kitchen swung without any apparent air current, and wet footprints appeared throughout the living room.
The Department of Child Services conducted extensive investigations, ultimately placing the children in protective custody in April 2012. An unnamed complainant filed an official report suggesting Ammons might be suffering from mental health concerns and potentially encouraging her children’s behaviour.
Psychological evaluations revealed Ammons to be of sound mental health, adding further complexity to the already intricate narrative. The children were returned to her custody six months later when the supernatural disturbances subsided.
The Ammons haunting remains a compelling and controversial supernatural investigation. While sceptics argue for psychological explanations, the consistency and volume of professional witness accounts continue to intrigue researchers and paranormal enthusiasts.
The house at 3860 Carolina Street gained further notoriety when paranormal investigator Zak Bagans purchased the property in January 2014 for $35,000. Bagans, host of Travel Channel’s “Ghost Adventures”, was drawn to the location after reading an IndyStar article about the Ammons family’s supernatural claims.
Bagans described the house as containing something “very dark yet highly intelligent and powerful”. During his investigation, he claimed to have experienced such intense supernatural phenomena that he became severely ill, unable to leave his room for eight days. He documented these experiences in his 2018 documentary “Demon House”, which warned viewers to “watch at your own risk”.
The investigation took a dramatic turn when Bagans reported suffering significant ocular damage while exploring the property. Ultimately, he demolished the house in February 2016, filming the demolition for his documentary. He preserved several key pieces of evidence, including the basement stairs, which he relocated to his Haunted Museum in Las Vegas. Alongside the stairs, he kept preserved dirt from the site, ritual items discovered by police, and various artifacts from the investigation.
Reverend Michael Maginot, who had previously performed exorcisms at the house, criticised Bagans for demolishing the property before it could be properly cleansed, suggesting there were potential ongoing supernatural risks.
The Ammons haunting remains a compelling and controversial supernatural investigation. While sceptics argue for psychological explanations, the consistency and volume of professional witness accounts continue to intrigue researchers and paranormal enthusiasts.